Monday, January 18, 2010

Leading the way to mismatched socks day!

Brandon is always trying to teach the kids about leadership. Every morning before they go to school, he says "be a leader" as they are walking out the door.

The following quote is from an email that Brandon sent to some of our family about what he has been talking to the kids about!!

"I have been trying to teach the kids about leadership and standing out amongst the crowd (to be able to lead others, you must be willing to go forward alone). Ali has started wearing different colored socks everyday to school….now the whole school is doing it. Not sure this is the essence of leadership, but either way, it is hysterical!"

So funny!! What do you think, leader or not???



Anonymous said...

That is to funny! LEADER all the way!!!

Anna said...

Definitely leader.

our family said...

Watch out she'll be president of that school someday!!